The NEAT!2 research study is being conducted through the University of South Carolina Exercise Science Department. The purpose of this project is to examine ways to decrease sedentary behavior in adults with past or present knee symptoms, injuries, or surgeries. If you are interested in volunteering for this research study, you will be randomly assigned to one of three sedentary reduction programs. This means you cannot choose which group you will be randomly assigned, but instead it will be determined by a method similar to flipping a coin. This study requires you to be willing to download our study smartphone application and keep your phone near (in your pocket, in your hand, or within ten feet) for the majority of the day

Before the study begins, you will complete an online screening to assess your initial eligibility. Eligible participants will be invited to an in-person session where staff will review full details of the study and answer any questions. If interested, you will be asked to provide informed consent, approved by the University of South Carolina. For the study, you will be asked to complete four assessments across the study: baseline (before the study starts), 1 month, 3 months, and 6 months. Each in-person assessment will be about 45 minutes long. During each assessment, you will be asked to complete a series of surveys, three brief physical function tests (chair stand, timed up and go test, and a 6-minute walk test), and get your height and weight measured. You will also be asked to wear a small physical activity monitor on your upper thigh for 7 days for 24 hours/day. This small activity monitor measures the time you spend sitting, lying, standing, or stepping.

If you have any questions or concerns, you can contact Katherine DeVivo at 803-777-9393 or

If you would like to participate in this study, you can take the survey below to determine your eligibility. If you are not interested in this current study, we would like to thank you for your time.


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